Leuvensesteenweg 775 -1140Evere
Infinite Solutions was founded in 2004 by three experienced SAP consultants. The initial scope was limited to developments for the SAP Portal, but we rapidly outgrew this stage and extended our core business to the whole of the SAP NetWeaver platform.
Rue De Picardie 43 -1140Evere
Kantoormeubelen inrichting computerzalen, informaticameubelen, informaticatafels, computermeubelen, bureaumeubelen, bureelmeubelen, ergonomische kantoormeubelen, veiligheid IT zaal, brandvrije computerkasten.
Bazellaan 7 -1140Evere
Euromatec s.a. leader des systèmes de sécurité et de surveillance, EUROMATEC n.v. is een belgisch bedrijf gevestigd te Brussel, in het hart van de Europese Gemeenschap