Turfputstraat(b) 3 -9290Berlare
Loereveldstraat(o) 37 -9290Berlare
:: www.IMMOSAFE.be :: Verkoop Te koop Te huur Nieuwbouw BIV Overheidsgoed. Links Immosafe Immosafe Invest Neptunus Medewerkers IMMOSAFE cvba Loereveldstraat 37 B-9290 OVERMERE Tel: (09) 367.64.49 - (09) 367.90.67 Fax: (09) 367.83.08 immosafe@immosafe
Heide(b) 35 -9290Berlare
Home Your partner for all your automation problems. Speciality: Siemens components. Company Profile V.C.A. BVBA was started on December 01, 2001. Before that the company was working under the name VC. VC was started on April 01, 1998. As of January 0