Interleuvenlaan 86 -3001Leuven
Metris - Reliable and Innovative Metrology Solutions CMM - Coordinate Measuring Machines 3D laser scanners & inspection Click here for CMM: CMM Home Search Contact Metris stock quote Find Metris locations Case studies -Laser scanners expand Toolmaker
Chaussée De Wavre 318 -1390Grez-doiceau
Machinen en bijbehorigheden voor het naverwerken (afterprint) van papier en karton, verpkkingsmachinene, plan snij-en-vouwmachines
Tiensesteenweg 56 -3360Bierbeek
Bausch Datacom is a settled name as far as development of communication products for the ICT and industrial market goes. The company was started in 1989 as the Belgian division of the Dutch HQs. Bausch Portal
Rue Edouard Belin 7 -1435Mont-saint-guibert
Rue Lahaut 3 -1325Chaumont-gistoux
Rue Sainte-anne Rue Sainte-anne -1357Hélécine