Vosveld 1 -2110Wijnegem
Vosveld 18 -2110Wijnegem
Bijkhoevelaan 26 -2110Wijnegem
Koch-Glitsch LP Koch-Otto York® Separations Technology, a business group of Koch-Glitsch, LP, provides mist elimination equipment for gas-liquid separation, liquid-liquid separation, as well as vapor flow conditioning devices, for a broad base of ind
Vosveld 9a -2110Wijnegem
Orfit Industries is a Belgian company that manufactures thermoplastic sheet materials for specific medical applications. ORFIT INDUSTRIES nv - for specific medical applications and patient immobilization ......................
Bijkhoevelaan 24 -2110Wijnegem
Hydromeka is uw industriële partner die zich specialiseert in flexibele slangen, koppelingen en toebehoren zowel voor hoge als lage druk toepassingen.
Simon De Heuvellaan 2 -2110Wijnegem
Koffiebranderij - Eigen fabricatie koffie-filters & koffiepods - Espresso: sterkemengeling samengesteld uit de edelste ro bustas.Koffiezetmachines & espressomachinesAlle horecamachines &horecaproducten - Snelle technische dienst
Vosveld 11 -2110Wijnegem
Luxilon Belgium's manufacturer of HIGH-TECH & HIGH-QUALITY MONOFILAMENTS ENGLISH ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH NEDERLANDS Luxilon produces high-tech monofilaments such as: separation yarn, thermo-fusible yarn, tennis strings, etc. Luxilon produces high-te