Molenberglei 25 -2627Schelle
In todays world the quality and safety of liquids, fluids, oils and moistures become increasingly important. Therefore the packaging and accessories that contain, secure and handle this content is more than ever critical.
Oude Baan (oud) 120 -9200Dendermonde
VPK produces and markets following products : 700.000 Tons of paper for corrugated board with 3 paper machines 80.000 Tons of board for corewinding with 1 board machine 460 mio m? of corrugated board sheets with 3 Aquila sheet feeders
Walgoedstraat 1 -9140Temse
Smallandlaan 37 -2660Antwerpen
Office Automation Covera Packaging nv Smallandlaan 37 - 2660 Hoboken Tel : 03-440.80.00 - Faxnr : 03-440.02.69 E-mail : is hosted by powered by
Kaarderslaan 10 -9160Lokeren
Productie van papier | productie van golfkarton en kartonverpakkingen
Kaarderslaan 18 -9160Lokeren
Producent van kunststof verpakkingen voor voedingAvamoplast zorgt voor voedselveilige en lekvrije verpakkingen
Honegemstraat 135 -9420Erpe-mere
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